Office Buildings
Office buildings, meeting spaces, cafeterias

Quantify Usage of Office Building Space

Office buildings are getting smarter, using advanced technologies to provide a better, more efficient environment.
People Counting Solutions adds another layer to provide actual daily usage of your workspace to further optimize your work environment.

Optimizing Work Space Use

Optimizing Work Space Use
Office rents are high and meeting space takes up space, identify the actual usage of meeting rooms and office space to see if there are any areas that can be put to more use.

Daily, weekly trends and usage rates can assist to optimize your work space.

Improve Building Energy Management Based on Actual Occupants

Improve Building Energy Management Based on Actual Occupants
Awareness towards energy saving measures to cut CO2 emissions are on the rise.

Reduce unnecessary utility costs, by controlling your HVAC systems according to the actual usage of your spaces.

Create a Crowd-less Comfortable Working Environment

Create a Crowd-less Comfortable Working Environment
Notify employees of congestion at cafeterias, restrooms, locker rooms, smoking rooms, elevator halls etc. via apps or other means to avoid overcrowding.

The recorded data can be automatically exported in CSV format from the software or direct from the sensor in MQTT, which can be linked to signage systems and apps.